“What is it about this voice?”

“It's authoritative.  Honest.  Sexy.  Intelligent.  Musical.  To-the-point.”

“Let's get right to the point: give this disk a listen—and then give me a call!”

This is the text from Linda Minarik’s introductory letter to prospective voiceover clients.  She has a unique speaking voice that can bring something sparkling and special to many voiceover venues.

In addition to the qualities mentioned above, some other shades of color and some semi-characters in Linda’s voiceover repertory might be:

  • Film Noire Heroine
  • Tough-As-Nails Broad, Circa 1948
  • Slightly Bemused and a Little Coy
  • Warmer, More Motherly
  • Very Still and a Little Esoteric
  • Intensely Passionate Musician
  • Cantankerous, Grumpy, Older Lady
  • A Kind of Airheaded Blonde!

Listen to Linda's Voiceovers Here:


Linda studies voiceover technique with Charles Michel, owner of The Voice Bank, a full-service agency representing the country’s finest voiceover talents.